Name of project: We are contemporaries Brief one-sentence description of the project: Let us share precious memories of our young years, former and present inhabitants of the Country of Childhood! Full description of project: Childhood is not subject to time. We all have one common homeland - CHILDHOOD. Irrespective of the century, in which we live, we all - are children there - our ancestors, grandparents, parents, future children and grandchildren. We all are of the same age. We are 7, 8 , 14, 15. We have fun, get upset, fall in love, observe, argue, dream, We are the same, but different. Let's mix with each other, children of 20-s, 30-s, 60-s, 90-s years of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st ! Aim of project: Let us hurry up to delay time, to preserve our childhood and to look at it through time Age/level of project participants: unlimited Timetable:
Project language: Ukrainian, Russian, English. Expected outcomes/products: A book of people and about people of different generations - present and former inhabitants of the Country of Childhood. Project facilitators: Tetyana Sporynina, Computing Teacher: ; Gymnasium N 2, 73 Holovna Str., 58000 Chernivtsy, Ukraine. .
Назва проекту: Ми - ровесники Короткий опис проекту: Давайте поспішати, щоб затримати миттєвість, зберегти наше дитинство і подивитись на нього крізь час… Повний опис проекту: Дитинство не підвладне часу. Ми всі маємо одну спільну батьківщину - Дитинство. Незалежно від століття, в якому живемо, ми там всі - діти, наші прапрадіді, бабусі, батьки, наші онуки. Ми всі - ровесники. Нам по 7, 8,…, 14, 15 років. Ми радіємо, сумуємо, закохуємося, спостерігаємо, сперечає-мося, мріємо... Ми - одинакові, але й дуже різні. Давайте спілкуватись, діти 20, 30,…,60, 90 років 20 століття та початку 21! Мета проекту: Яким були твої батьки, бабуся і дідусь у твоєму віці? А яким буде твій онук? Що у вас спільного? Чим ви відрізняєтесь? Уяви, що ви зустрілись. Чи порозумієтесь ви? Вік учасників: без обмежень Етапи проекту:
Етап 1: |
"We are contemporaries"
How do you live in the Country of Childhood at the beginning of the third Millennium? Presentation of the booklet "We are contemporaries", a book of people and about people of different generations - present and former inhabitants of the Country of Childhood.
І am Tetyana T. Sporynina, coordinator of the project "We are contemporaries".
І am from the west of Ukraine.
І live in a beautiful town Chernivtsi. It is almost 600 years old. On the 22 -nd of May in the Gymnasium # 2 a special meeting of the participants and authors of the project took place. We read the stories and essays of the participants, sang songs, danced, saw drawings and even composed a song. The students greet you and wish you all the best. And we came to a conclusion, that in the country of the childhood there is much the common - it is the aspiration fortunately and desire to make the world is better…
But we didn't only recollect the past, we thought about the future - the future of ourselves, the future of our country and our Mother Earth.
Thanks you, dear friends, for your participation…
The fine country - the Childhood:
Childhood is not subject to time. We all have one common homeland - CHILDHOOD. Irrespective of the century, in which we live, we all - are children there - our ancestors, grandparents, parents, future children and grandchildren. Let us hurry up to delay time, to preserve our childhood and to look at it through time…
Our common book transfers the feelings of pure and ingenuous memories. Their friendly intonations attract everybody with sincerity. Beyond your sincere thoughts one can see the treasures which may be shared with others. They are the dialogue between individuals as well as ideas, views, striving for harmony and perfection.
The book preserves the treasures of your soul and mind. Your short stories, essays, drawings, photographs witness the events of the life your parents, grandmother or your and your friends now. Each person during any moment of a life has a fine country - the Childhood. Different epoch, other priorities, sights, fashion, hobbies, symbols... And, reading your memoirs, your retellings of memoirs of parents, grandmothers and grandfathers, we are convinced, that all people, during different epoch, in the different countries want to be happy, to love and be loved, wish the peace and pleasure.
In the new Millennium, I am sure, you will find the longed-for moments and your dreams will come true.
With respect and sincere gratitude for the wonderful cooperation Tetyana Sporynina